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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Mapa Inicial 1-- Parque de la TEnglish, Urban ecosystem includes Animals, Urban ecosystem works as a Lung of the neighborhood, Pamplona is located in Spain, History of Pamplona, Ecological balance of Pamplona, Taconera Park has Geographical situation, Lung of the neighborhood helps to keep the Ecological balance, Taconera Park has experienced an Evolution, Taconera Park has Monuments, Taconera Park has Plants, Taconera Park is the most important in Pamplona, Cultural and Social they deserve Respect and Care, Taconera Park has Plants, Urban ecosystem includes Plants, Taconera Park has Animals, Evolution represents a record of History, Urban ecosystem they deserve Respect and Care, Taconera Park can be used as Educational/ didactical resource, Monuments have been modified through History, Taconera Park can be considered as an Urban ecosystem