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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: PsLE_Barney_Dalgarno, asynchronous interaction are becoming now superposable, Poli-synchronous Learning Environment, PsLE characterized by continuity of the synchronous/asynchronous sharing & editing of content, new performances of portable devices are both exploitable for creating new Learning Environments, old LEs made a marked distinction between asynchronous interaction, new opportunities and social customs are both exploitable for creating new Learning Environments, synchronous interaction are becoming now superposable, necessary generalization because of new performances of portable devices, Teacher dynamically changing Content, Poli-synchronous Learning Environment, PsLE characterized by symmetry of interactions, new performances of portable devices determine new opportunities and social customs, necessary generalization because of new opportunities and social customs, creating new Learning Environments as can be Poli-synchronous Learning Environment, PsLE, old LEs undergo a necessary generalization, old LEs had been switching from online interaction, old LEs made a marked distinction between synchronous interaction, F2F interaction are becoming now indistinguishable, new opportunities and social customs stimulate new performances of portable devices, Learners dynamically changing meanings, superposable thanks to new performances of portable devices, online interaction are becoming now indistinguishable