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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: MIND MAP1, COMMUNICATION ???? Language FOR learning, FOOD CO1 ???? POTATO, Language THROUGH learning ???? Language to praise students LT2, Language THROUGH learning ???? Unplanned language we use spontanousy LT1, Questioning LF4 ???? Language FOR learning, Language FOR learning ???? Laguage to narrate LF3, FOOD CO1 ???? CONTENT, FOOD AROUND THE WORLD ???? CONTENT, CONTINENTS CO2 ???? CONTENT, Interest in knowing foods of different places. CU1 ???? CULTURE, FOOD AROUND THE WORLD ???? COMMUNICATION, Language THROUGH learning ???? Language to check understanding LT3, Language FOR learning ???? Language to describe LF1, COMMUNICATION ???? Language THROUGH learning, FOOD CO1 ???? APPLE, Language FOR learning ???? Language to give feedback LF2, To be able to say something about five world wide foods CU2 ???? CULTURE, FOOD CO1 ???? MACADAMIA NUTS, Match and link information CG3 ???? COGNITION, CULTURE ???? Apreciate the diversity found in class CU4