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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: Education in the XXI century, Education in the XXI century focuses also on Assessement, memorial / mechanical learning causes Misconceptions, New role for Learning/ student, Meaningful learning promotes build and master knowledge, challenges which come from European Higher Education Area, challenges which come from Knowledge and information society, Education in the XXI century demands New role, Misconceptions avoid build and master knowledge, Misconceptions avoid Meaningful learning, Quality improvement from Learning/ student, build and master knowledge to become critical and creative, behavioral / positivist model which facilitates memorial / mechanical learning, Meaningful learning which eliminates Misconceptions, Education in the XXI century has to scroll from behavioral / positivist model, New role for Teching/teacher, Learning/ student has to build and master knowledge, Learning/ student must perform Meaningful learning, challenges which come from Quality Management Models, Quality Management Models requieres Quality improvement, Teching/teacher has to facilitate Meaningful learning