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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: ACTIVITY 2, Resources we will use Chromebook’s if necessary, pen, paper, photos, stickers, markers, crayons…, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK with a video, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK characteristics Duration time, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK the objective is Store the information learned and researched in a book for the whole class to read, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK development After the talk, we are going to divide the students into different groups. Each group will be assigned a topic: fauna (terrestrial animals, birds, insects, marine animals…) and flora (trees, bushes, flowers….). Each of the members of the group will have to talk about different ones. The students will have to look for information about them and paste pictures, and at the end of the activity we will put all the information together in order to make a book., ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK is called Biosphere book, Cross-cutting issues knowledge on Arts and crafts skills, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK characteristics Cross-cutting issues, Space it is carried out in Main classroom, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK characteristics Grouping, Grouping students will get into Groups of 5, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK characteristics Resources, Duration time it lasts 2 sessions, Cross-cutting issues knowledge on Research skills, ACTIVITY 2: BIOSPHERE BOOK characteristics Space