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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: ACTIVITY 5, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE with a video, Duration time it lasts 6 sessions, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE the objective is Show to the rest of the students the problems and try to find solutions for them in a visual way and put into practice the concepts that they’ve learned, Cross-cutting issue knowledge on Communication skills, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE development The whole class will prepare a theatre for the students of the first grade. This play will portray an issue which will be that there is a company that wants to cut all the trees of the reserve to build a huge mall, and all the animals will be taken to the circus. The animals, the plants and the residents must come up with a solution for this problem. There will be actors that interprete animals, plants, residents and the “villains ”. In this play they must show the culture of the residents, and the animals and plants must be the ones learned in the talk. The students will have to create the scripts and decide on what to bring as costumes. The costumes of each role will be decided in groups (whoever interprets the plants will get together in groups with the other students that have the same role and decide the costumes)., Resources we will use Chromebooks, cardboards, paint, scissors, pencils…, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE is called Drama problem solving, Space it is carried out in Assembly hall, Cross-cutting issue knowledge on Arts and craft skills, Cross-cutting issue knowledge on ICTs skills, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE characteristics Resources, Grouping students will get into 10 residents, 4 villains, 6 animals and 5 plants, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE characteristics Cross-cutting issue, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE characteristics Space, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE characteristics Duration time, ACTIVITY 5: THEATRE characteristics Grouping