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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Constructivism, Constructivism Based on Piaget, Optimize Learner's Capacity, Constructivism Considers Teacher-student-content triad, Main protagonist Of Leaning process, Constructivism Student as Constructor of meaning, Teacher-student-content triad as Biderectial interaction elements, Optimize Learner's Self-management, Optimize Learner's Autonomy, Constructor of meaning of Material learned, Constructivism Based on Vygotsy, Constructor of meaning of learning proccess, Constructor of meaning through Observation, Capacity to Achieve maximum potential, Constructor of meaning through internalization, Constructor of meaning through Experience, Constructor of meaning through Socialization, Constructivism Aims to Optimize, Constructivism Student as Main protagonist, Constructivism Teacher as Guide/ provider of assistance