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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: OBJECTIVES (ACTIVITIES), OUR ACTIVITIES are 6.2, 5.3 which consists of Valuing, protecting and showing attitudes of conservation and improvement of natural and cultural heritage through proposals and actions that reflect commitments and behaviors in favor of sustainability., 2.1 which consists of Formulating questions and making reasoned predictions about the natural, social or cultural environment, showing and maintaining curiosity., 6.2 which consists of Participating with an enterprising attitude in the search for, contrast and evaluation of proposals to face eco-social problems, to look for solutions and to act for their resolution, based on the analysis of the causes and consequences of human intervention in the environment., THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES are taken from the OFFICIAL CURRICULUM, OUR ACTIVITIES are 5.3, OUR ACTIVITIES are 2.4, 2.4 which consists of Propose possible answers to the questions posed, through the analysis and interpretation of the information and the results obtained, assessing the coherence of the possible solutions and comparing them with the predictions made., THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES that we have used for developing OUR ACTIVITIES, 6.1 which consists of Promoting sustainable lifestyles consistent with respect, care, co-responsibility and protection of people and the planet, based on the analysis of human intervention in the environment., 2.2 which consists of Seeking, selecting and contrasting information from different safe and reliable sources, using the criteria of reliability of sources, acquiring basic scientific vocabulary, and using it in research related to the natural, social and cultural environment., OUR ACTIVITIES are 2.2, OUR ACTIVITIES are 2.1, OUR ACTIVITIES are 6.1